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Showing posts from August, 2021

Jay Maa Santoshi Mandir @ Ranchi (Jharkhand)

     Jay Maa Santoshi Mandir @ Ranchi : Jay Maa Santoshi Mandir is a Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Santoshi. It is located opposite the main gate of Pahadi Mandir which is a very famous temple in Ranchi. Other than Maa Santoshi, you will also find a Shivling where you can offer milk, water, etc. Temple is very small in size but very famous among the local people as they feel all your wishes will be fulfilled once you visit the temple. You will find many shops near the temple where you can purchase flowers, prasad, and other items.  If you are in Ranchi, it's a must-visit place and I am sure you will love it. Temple visiting Timing:    4:30 am to 7:00 pm.  - Everyday. During the festival, the timing may change. Best time to visit:  All time.  Entry Fees:   There is no entry fee for general darshan but you have to pay charges for different rituals. There are no fixed charges but you have to talk with Purohit and fix the rate. Temple  Address: Jay Maa Santoshi Mandir Shiv Shanti p

मंदिर जाने की जरुरत क्यों? भगवान तो सर्वत्र हैं| Why to visit the temple while god is everywhere?

       SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL मंदिर जाने की जरुरत क्यों? भगवान तो सर्वत्र हैं| Why to visit the temple while god is everywhere? Please watch my video for a detailed explanation. विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 #Bhakt #Bhakti #Spiritual Date:  30 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS    

४ प्रकार के भक्त / भक्ति : इसमें श्रेष्ट कौन? 4 types of Devotees in Hindu Dharm Granth

      SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL १. अर्थार्थी २. आर्त ३. जिज्ञासु ४. ज्ञानी विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 #Bhakt #Bhakti #Spiritual Date:  29 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS    

Shree Kali Mandir (श्री काली मंदिर ) @ Ranchi (Jharkhand)

      Shree Kali Mandir (श्री काली मंदिर ) @ Ranchi (Jharkhand) : Shree Kali Mandir is a Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess Kali a form of Maa Durga. There are 9 forms of maa Durga and maa Kali is one among them. प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी। तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति. चतुर्थकम्।। पंचमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च। सप्तमं कालरात्रीति.महागौरीति चाष्टमम्।। नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गा: प्रकीर्तिता:।  उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना:।।    It is located in the center of Ranchi City in Jharkhand. This is the main market area and you will find it more crowded. Temple is small in size but very famous as per the people belief. Every morning local businessmen first visit the temple and then open their shops.  If you are in Ranchi, it's a must-visit place and I am sure you will love it. Temple visiting Timing:    07 am to 5:00 pm.  - Everyday. During the festival, the timing may change. Best time to visit:  All time.  Entry Fees:   There is no entry fee fo

Sankat Mochan Hanuman Mandir @ Ranchi (Jharkhand)

     Sankat Mochan Hanuman Mandir @ Ranchi: Sankat Mochan Hanuman Mandir is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman also known as Anjaneya, Bajrangbali, Maruti Nandan, etc. Lord Hanuman which is in a standing position, is holding Prabhu Ram and Prabhu Lakshman on his soldiers.  Sankat Mochan is a Hindi word that means the one who eradicates pain, suffering, and sorrow. It is located in the center of Ranchi City in Jharkhand. This is the main market area and you will find it more crowded. Temple is huge in construction and visible from a far distance. You will also find Lord Shiva Linga inside the temple and will be more crowded during Shravan Masa there. If you are in Ranchi, it's a must-visit place and I am sure you will love it. Temple visiting Timing:    5:30 am to 10:00 pm.  - Everyday. During the festival, the timing may change. Best time to visit:  All time.  Entry Fees:   There is no entry fee for general darshan but you have to pay charges for different rituals. There are

Pahadi Mandir (पहाड़ी मंदिर ) @ Ranchi (Jharkhand)

    Pahadi Mandir (पहाड़ी मंदिर ) @ Ranchi: Pahadi Mandir is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is also known as "Richi Buru" locally. It is located on the hilltop at the center of Ranchi City in Jharkhand. Hill is around 300 feet in height and you have to go there by walk using the staircase. Temple is famous for many Rituals like Rudrabhishek, Mundan Sanskar, etc. For more detail, you can visit the link This temple was the shelter for much Many Freedom fighters and when India got Independence, the Indian flag was hosted there and it's continuing till now. The temple looks very good and you will feel cool and calm after being there. You can also have a good view of Ranchi City. The evening is really good there as the natural environment changes along with electrical lights in the city. If you are in Ranchi, it's a must-visit place and I am sure you will love it. Temple visiting Timing:    4:30 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 p

धार्मिक कौन? सिर्फ आस्तिक या फिर नास्तिक भी ? Who is Religious?

     SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL क्या धार्मिक वही हैं जो भगवान को पूजते हैं तथा धार्मिक स्थल भ्रमण करते हैं? शास्त्रों में क्या वर्णन है? ++ गोस्वामी तुलसी दास ++ परहित सरिस धर्म नहिं भाई। पर पीड़ा सम नहिं अधमाई ।। ++ वेद्ब्यास ++ अष्टादश पुराणेषु व्यासस्य वचनद्वयम् | परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् || विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 #Dharma #Religious #Spiritual Date:  12 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS    

धर्म कर्म कब करें? What is the right time to start dharma and spirituality?

     SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL भविष्य पुराण - ब्रह्मकाण्ड - अध्याय ६ दो प्रकार का धर्म १. इष्ट धर्म २. पुर्त धर्म जीवन के चार प्रमुख भाग (आश्रम) १. ब्रह्मचर्य आश्रम (जन्म से २५ वर्ष तक) २. गृहस्थआश्रम (२6 से ५० वर्ष तक) ३. वानप्रस्थ आश्रम (५1 से ७५ वर्ष तक) ४. सन्यास आश्रम (७६ से १०० वर्ष तक ) विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 #Dharma #SanatanDharma #BhavishyaPurana Date:  06 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS    

शाकाहार या मांशाहार किसको चुने ? Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian which one to choose?

    SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL कर्म के अनुसार ब्यंजन का चयन आयुर्वेद तथा योगशास्त्र के अनुसार ३ प्रकार के ब्यंजन १. सात्विक ब्यंजन २. राजसिक ब्यंजन ३. तामसिक ब्यंजन विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 Date:  04 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS    

Sri Chandrachoodeshwar Swamy Devasthana @ Konankunte , Bangalore (Karnataka)

   Sri Chandrachoodeshwar Swamy Devasthana @ Konankunte, Bangalore:  Sri Chandrachoodeshwar Swamy Devasthana is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha, and Maa Durga. It is situated in a village called Konankunte on the route between Konankunte cross and Kengeri in Bangalore.  Its construction is new and small in size. They have maintained this temple very nicely. Priest (Purohit) there is very friendly and will try to communicate in your language in case you are not comfortable in Kannada.  This is an ideal temple for daily visits as it is located in a residential area. You are not supposed to touch the  deities that are common in any South Indian temple. Also, there is no dress code. Below are the deities in the temple.   Lord Shiva Lord Ganesha Maa Durga Nandi Maharaj Temple Visiting Timing:   06:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 4:00 PM to 07:30 PM (All Day) During special occasions temple opens for a very long time. Best time to visit:  All time.  Entry Fees:   No  Address: Sr

क्या आत्मा / प्रेत किसी को मार सकता है या किसी को हानि पहुंचा सकता है? Can a Ghost kill someone?

                SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL गरुड़ पुराण Under which circumstances soul changes the Body? निम्न परिस्थितियों में आत्मा शरीर में प्रवेश करता है १. गर्भावस्था २. देहांत होने पर प्रथम पिंड देते समय ३. मासिक तथा वार्षिक श्राद्ध में ब्राह्मण भोजन के समय ४. आत्मा का अदला बदली ५. सिद्धि के द्वारा आत्मा को बुलाना तथा शरीर में प्रवेश करना ६. किसी आत्मा का शरीर में स्वयं प्रवेश हो जाना विश्लेषणकर्ता - अनुज मिश्रा We love your comments and suggestions. Please visit our website for travel blogs and other related topics. Anuj Mishra Whatsapp / Call: +91 9900144384 #Aatma #SanatanDharma #GarudPuran Date:  01 Aug 2021     CLICK FOR MORE POSTS